E-Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Attitude towards the website
Articles about E-Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Attitude towards the website
E-Service Quality
In general, service quality is defined as the perceived differences between the customer expectation and the evaluation from what they receive (Gronroos,1990; Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry, 1988). More specifically, Zeithaml, Parasuraman, and Malhorta (2000, 2002) defined e-service quality as how far that a website facilitates the efficient and effective of shopping, purchasing and delivery the product and service.
E-service quality can be defined also as the customer’s perceptions about the result of the service with the recovery perception along with it when problem occur (Colier & Bienstock, 2006). Santos (2003) defined e-service quality as overall customer assessment and judgments in relation to the excellence and the quality of e-service delivery in the virtual marketplace.
Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Maholtra (2005) defined e-service quality as the extent to which a web site facilitates efficient and effective shopping, purchasing, and delivery of products and services. As e-service quality becomes an important criterion to measure e-retail web sites, many researchers have developed key dimensions of e-service quality to gauge consumer perception of quality.
Customer Satisfaction
Satisfaction is defined as the level of customer approval that occurred when customer try to comparing the product or service performance with the customer expectation toward the product or service (Oliver, 1980). Most researchers broadly define customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction as the consumer’s judgments regarding a business’s success or failure in meeting expectations. When expectations are met, satisfaction results; unmet expectations lead to dissatisfaction (Oliver, 1980). Cardozo (1965) suggests that customer satisfaction is a consequence of the confirmation or positive disconfirmation of expectations and that customer dissatisfaction is a by-product of negative disconfirmation of expectations.
According to Giese and Cote (2000) there are three components of satisfaction:
• Customer satisfaction is cognitive or emotional
• The response of customer satisfaction emphases on particular focus (product, expectation, experience, etc.)
• The response occurs at a specific time (based on experience, after choice, etc.)
Attitude towards the website
Attitude is individual predisposition toward an object, person, group, religion, culture, tradition, or value that influences people responses. Attitude toward the website is defined as liability to respond the favorable or unfavorable for the website content (Chen and Wells, 1999). There are many different perceptual dimensions that can affect the rating of the website such as entertainment, informative and the organization.
According to the expectancy-value model, a person’s attitude toward an object is determined by the subjective values of the object’s attributes in interaction with the strength of beliefs associating the object with the attributes. There is considerable evidence in support of the assumption of the expectancy-value model that evaluation can occur spontaneously, without any conscious effort. Automatic attitude activation can occur even in the absence of an explicit goal of making such judgment (Bargh and Chartrand, 1999).
Behavioral Intention
Behavioral intention is defined as a cognitive plan to perform a behavior or action trough a decision process that based on beliefs and already know the consequences of those actions (Fishbein and Ajzen’s, 1975; Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980). Behavioral intention formed from the subjective belief of people, that can triggered the willingness to do something.
Zeithaml, Panasuraman, and Maholtra (1996) suggest that favorable behavioral intentions are associated with a service provider’s ability to get its customers to say positive things about them recommend them to other consumers, remain loyal to them, spend more with the company, and pay price premiums.
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