Mobile Phones by Martin Cooper
Mobile Phones
Mobile phone was first invented by Martin Cooper. Therefore, he earned the nickname as the father of cellular phone. Based on various sources, he worked as a developer of portable products at Motorola since 1954. And with the help from his Motorola team, Cooper managed to make the first handset in 1973, and then he tried to make his first phone call using the phone prototype on the New York street. The first phone is named Motorola Dyna-Tac with the specifications: 1) Size: 9 x 5 x 1.75 inches 2) Weight: 2.5 pounds 3) Display: None 4) Number of circuit boards: 30 5) Talk time: 35 minutes 6) Recharge time: 10 hours 7) Features: talk, listen, and dial 8) Price: $3,500. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved its first commercial use in 1983.
Mobile phone itself has meaning that is quite wide and varied. According to, mobile phone is a wireless phone that has a small size that makes it portable. It has a function similar to standard telephone cables in general. Therefore, you can talk to anyone on the planet from just about anywhere. Mobile phone requires a subscription to service provider, and the batteries need to be charged after a certain period of time usage. Sometimes, mobile phones also called cell phones, mobile devices, mobile telephone or cellular telephone.
Based on the source, the percentage of cell phones users in America is about 83%, and the phone also has its own impact on the users’ daily life nowadays. Based on the telephone survey conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project from April 26 until May 22, 2011 to 2,277 adults in various states in America, they found that: 1) Cell phones are useful for quick information retrieval 2) Cell phones are an important tool in emergency situations 3) Cell phones can help stave off boredom 4) Despite their advantages, some cell phone owners just need an occasional break 5) With advantages comes frustration, like difficulty reading something on their phone because of the screen size is too small, difficulty entering a lot of text, and slow download speed 6) Cell phones can help prevent unwanted personal interactions.
Figure 2 below shows that based on a survey from 83% of American adults, the mobile phone function are 1) 73% for text messaging 2) 73% for taking a picture 3) 54% for sending a photo or video 4) 44% for accessing the internet 5) 38% for sending or retrieving email 6) 35% for playing game 7) 34% for playing music 8) 34% for recording a video 9) 31% for downloading an app 10) 29% for using a social networking site 11) 26% for watching a video 12) 22% for posting a photo or video online 13) 18% for doing online banking 14) 6% for accessing twitter 15) 6% for video call or video chat.
In this survey as shown in figure 3, it is found that people aged 18-29 years old (younger cell owners) are the most active mobile users, with the highest interest rate is against sending or receiving text messages. After that, the second most active mobile users are those aged 30-49 years old with interest over the function of sending or receiving text messages. Entering the age of 50 years old, the activeness of mobile phones usage started to decrease
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